A BIPOC-led consulting firm with over two decades of experience building and implementing programs around gender justice, race equity, LGBTQ+ rights, and disability rights. We support the front lines of social justice issues of our day through a values-based approach, challenging conventions, and pushing the limits of what's possible.


Our Mission

Since our founding, we’ve worked with 100+ movement leaders to provide capacity and strategic leadership to the nonprofit ecosystem as we continue to shift toward more equitable systems and solutions. We encourage our clients to acknowledge and confront the reality that their organizations, institutions, and/or families have contributed to inequities, both from how their power and wealth are accumulated and how it is currently controlled.



About Our Logo

To sacrifice is to make sacred. We honor the sacrifices of our ancestors, so that our work may be honored. Their wisdom guides who we work with and how we work as an intersectional justice consultancy.

We believe that energy in its purest state is consciousness focused in a state of unadulterated attention. The deepest states of contemplation allow our team, nonprofits, networks, and individual clients to continue to build their frameworks around the liberation of people of color, LGBTQ+ community, and the disabled.


Terms of Use

All works on this site are the property of my clients and are featured here with their express permission.